[quote=“Cybnate, post:128, topic:1083”]Had to check this way as it looks blockexplorer is stuck. Hope someone can get it to work again.[/quote]None?
I restarted the explorer. Looks to be okay now.
Having been a developer before and being a manager type now, I think developers have a natural tendency to show their handy works with peers for feedbacks and recognition. The software they create is like thier children, who they like to see to grow, run around and make friends, prosper, and have thier children. This view is not necessarily shared by other stakeholders of the software, who may see the software as just a tool that serve a purpose in a greater context.
As for me, I am about 0.5 if -1 is no, 0 is neutral, and 1 is yes.
I don’t think that analogy is fair. Software is more analogous to a scientific theory than children. Peer review of a theory like software is critical for it to be trusted and more importantly improved.
Analogies will always fall short, that is why it is better to just talk about the actual subject. Analogies are not really useful when making a point or an argument but rather best used when trying to help explain something someone does understand.
The stakeholders who believe they are protecting their investment by preventing the source from being open are actually hurting the overall health and future of the project. By opening the source, we expand the development team. No matter how good a development team is, it is always better to have more people reviewing and vetting a project. Not to mention it makes the software more useful for developers, we would like to easily be able to modify the software to better fit our needs, unfortunately right now the only way to accomplish this requires too much extra work to make it feasible.
Hi @CoinGame
Here are the details for the Motion Vote on 6f361693a7b248730b41d4292f89dc6f6f166bc8:
[1]: https://discuss.nubits.com/t/voting-motion-to-make-the-nu-source-code-available
Blocks: 4000 (40.000000%
Share Days: 1163573603 (37.793621%
This is the finalize motion to make the Nu source code open to the public. For more information about this proposal, and to view discussions about what items some community members belived should be completed on the development roadmap before they will vote for this motion, see:
If Nu were mostly science and technology we wouldn’t have had this discussion, would we?
54% of all blocks and 48.25% of the CDD in the last 24 hours. Both daily averages increased by about 2% over the last 24 hours. Interestingly five days ago a huge drop can be seen, with a daily voting of 34.00% / 35.36%, decreasing the overall voting down to its current state.
In two days this statistical outlier won’t contribute to the voting anymore, so the end of this week will be exciting for people following this motion.
Good time to start placing bets?
I minted about 4 blocks in the last 4 hours in favor of this, my first time minting since getting caught up.
Reminders for when we go open source :
- Celebrate
- Open a security bounty program for spotting faults
- Re-apply to coinpayments
- Tell goingeko to change our scoring
- Re-write to all dozens of services that said they would only consider OSS
- Get a t-shirt
This person with a thing called “cryptohedge” in this thread is taking elements from Nu namely the idea of providing liquidity and NuBot.
Even if this person is able to understand every single element of Nu once it is open sourced, I am not sure that this person would be able to create momentum and synergy with his mind set which represents a “corporate culture” that I would not subscribe to.
So Nu needs to be confident in the momentum created, the distortion fields created around it as they used to say about Steve jobs.
Hi @cryptog
Here are the details for the Motion Vote on 6f361693a7b248730b41d4292f89dc6f6f166bc8:
[1]: https://discuss.nubits.com/t/voting-motion-to-make-the-nu-source-code-available
Blocks: 4276 (42.760000%
Share Days: 1247795614 (39.966111%
This is the finalize motion to make the Nu source code open to the public. For more information about this proposal, and to view discussions about what items some community members belived should be completed on the development roadmap before they will vote for this motion, see:
42.76% now.
There are a few issues that we should resolve before the code is opened. I think we should not open it immediately.
The proposal for this motion offers a 45 day window to prepare the opening of the source code:
And if a dev says there are some issues that should be resolved first, this sounds like one of the necessary steps
Here are the details for the Motion Vote on 6f361693a7b248730b41d4292f89dc6f6f166bc8:
[1]: https://discuss.nubits.com/t/voting-motion-to-make-the-nu-source-code-available
Blocks: 4436 (44.360000%
Share Days: 1297117536 (41.189923%
This is the finalize motion to make the Nu source code open to the public. For more information about this proposal, and to view discussions about what items some community members belived should be completed on the development roadmap before they will vote for this motion, see:
I expect the CDD to drop significantly over the next 24 hours and also the block count will decrease. Seven days ago we had the strongest voting so far with 51%/61% (which won’t contribute anymore in 24 hours), and which as mentioned in a previous post decreased to 37%/38% six days ago and still recovers from that.
The good thing: Today was the first day since one week that the CDD crossed 50% (52.15%) in the daily voting, which is a good sign.
EDIT: But maybe I am wrong, the influx of new votes is large and is not considered in above calculations. With almost 5 additional percent points per day as we observed it over the last days we could reach the target earlier.