I’ll await @NSRBuyback’s confirmation before I sign.
Yes, please initiate the transfer.
signed and broadcast (tx id: 8872087dc2c37e6c538bfb2424a32432eaf01bcd871855d807f194edc90ad7af)
To calculate the NuBits in circulation, I will start with all 3,199,215 blockchain NuBits:
Sat Jan 2 01:01:07 UTC 2016
nud -unit=B getinfo | grep supply
"moneysupply" : 3199215.5905,
The following are tier 4 funds that should be excluded:
BhCnQrYrA5LZm871dtMQEXeU93gmqbhdrC: 2,000,000
B5Zi5XJ1sgS6mWGu7bWJqGVnuXwiMXi7qj: 150,000
BFTnCyMX1nsTNp6X7Bcm1qVocvShdbwtMi: 103,104
BqyRzFtWXDmjxrYpyJD42MLE5xc8FrB4js: 189,027
Using this method I arrive at 757,084 NBT in circulation.
15% of that sets the reserved tier 4 buy side funds at $113,562.
The BTC/USD exchange rate as of the end of Friday UTC was $433.88 (at Bitfinex).
Tier 4 buy side funds controlled by FLOT consisted of 160.93 BTC.
Tier 4 buy side funds controlled by @JordanLee consisted of 442.7 BTC.
Tier 4 buy side funds total 603.63 BTC (valued $261,902).
$113,562 excluded from the share buyback calculation equals 261.73 BTC.
603.63 - 261.73 = 341.90 BTC sits in the share buyback pool.
10% of this (34.1 BTC) will be used for share buyback next week.
That is equivalent to approximately $14,795.
This will be the 15th weekly share buyback.
It is my understanding that FLOT will provide @NSRBuyback with the 34.1 BTC.
Assuming that
1PbsU6RsQjueUgtx2jC9oKaN62kXMjo8u5 is the @NSRBuyback deposit address at BTER and
128nNY1hpeiJkWGNPow5K48Acpaf8fpFYL the @NSRBuyback deposit address at Poloniex
I want to ask whether a transaction to transfer
24.1 BTC to 1PbsU6RsQjueUgtx2jC9oKaN62kXMjo8u5 and
10.0 BTC to 128nNY1hpeiJkWGNPow5K48Acpaf8fpFYL is expected by @NSRBuyback.
@NSRBuyback please confirm that this is according to your expectations
The transaction to transfer funds from FLOT to @NSRBuyback has been created and signed by me.
Before the signing continues, we need consent from @NSRBuyback.
FLOT members, please check the transaction thoroughly before signing it
I believe @cryptog meant 2 of 5 required signatures to transfer funds from the 5-of-8 multisig address.

I ve edited my post.
I verified the transaction is 34.1 BTC with a fee of 0.00003 BTC. The designated addresses seem to be correct. I have signed and verified the transaction.
If the fee for bitcoin changes rapidly, we may need to pay for priority because the signers will need time to sign.
Signed 5 of 5-of-8 by cryptog, Dhume, masterOfDisaster, disconnect, and maps and was broadcasted some time ago
To calculate the NuBits in circulation, I will start with all 3,215,406 blockchain NuBits:
Sat Jan 9 22:00:41 UTC 2016
nud -unit=B getinfo | grep supply
"moneysupply" : 3215406.0074,
I don’t know how to determine the moneysupply at end of Friday UTC so I take the moneysupply from now.
The following are tier 4 funds that should be excluded:
BhCnQrYrA5LZm871dtMQEXeU93gmqbhdrC: 2,000,000
B5Zi5XJ1sgS6mWGu7bWJqGVnuXwiMXi7qj: 150,000
BFTnCyMX1nsTNp6X7Bcm1qVocvShdbwtMi: 103,104
BqyRzFtWXDmjxrYpyJD42MLE5xc8FrB4js: 179,027
Using this method I arrive at 767,084 NBT in circulation.
15% of that sets the reserved tier 4 buy side funds at $115,062.
The BTC/USD exchange rate as of the end of Friday UTC was $454.11 (at Bitfinex).
Tier 4 buy side funds controlled by FLOT consisted of 150.03 BTC (20 BTC were transfered to the Poloniex gateway later).
Tier 4 buy side funds controlled by @JordanLee consisted of 442.7 BTC.
Tier 4 buy side funds total 592.73 BTC (valued $269,164).
$115,062 excluded from the share buyback calculation equals 253.38 BTC.
592.73 - 253.38 = 339.35 BTC sits in the share buyback pool.
10% of this (33.9 BTC) will be used for share buyback next week.
That is equivalent to approximately $15,410.
This will be the 16th weekly share buyback.
It is my understanding that FLOT will provide @NSRBuyback with the 33.9 BTC.
Assuming that
1PbsU6RsQjueUgtx2jC9oKaN62kXMjo8u5 is the @NSRBuyback deposit address at BTER and
128nNY1hpeiJkWGNPow5K48Acpaf8fpFYL the @NSRBuyback deposit address at Poloniex
I want to ask whether a transaction to transfer
23.9 BTC to 1PbsU6RsQjueUgtx2jC9oKaN62kXMjo8u5 and
10.0 BTC to 128nNY1hpeiJkWGNPow5K48Acpaf8fpFYL is expected by @NSRBuyback.
@NSRBuyback please confirm that this is according to your expectations
The transaction to transfer funds from FLOT to @NSRBuyback has been created and signed by me.
Before the signing continues, we need consent from @NSRBuyback.
FLOT members, please check the transaction thoroughly before signing it
Cross-posting at FLOT BTC Operations (buy side)
Tks a lot for the calculation. I am fine with it. I will sign the tx.
I thank @masterOfDisaster for producing the the details of the weekly buybacks the last two weeks. He has improved the readability of of them. However, the report of how many shareholder BTC I hold omits this post where I reported sending 25 BTC to the Poloniex gateway:
Coinerella shows 15 minute buy support is only 34% right now. As a result, I will be transferring 25 BTC to @masterOfDisaster’s gateway within the hour. Edit: this transfer of 25 BTC has 4 confirmations
The number of shareholder BTC I hold is 417.7, exactly 25 less than @masterOfDisaster has reported above.
The buyback should be 31.4 btc then.
I will wait for the creation of a tx with the correct amount then unless i can create one in the mean time.

I don’t know how to determine the moneysupply at end of Friday UTC so I take the moneysupply from now.
You can find it in your debug.log or in the blockexplorer e.g.: https://blockexplorer.nu/blocks/694455/1