[Passed] Accessible Liquidity - Encompassing NuLagoon Contract

Supporting this. Will add this to my datafeed.

So this motion mandates to pay NuLagoon a daily fee of 150 USD/day as long as the liquidity is properly offered by NuLagoon and as long at it is not overridden by another motion.
Basically it makes NuLagoon a full time employee of Nu.

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Yup. But then, it basically already was. This motion actually reduces the cost of NuLagoon.

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just a few hundred nbts , compared to previous months, it seems.
by the way, this motion can be overridden later of course.

Yes, just a 5% reduction or so practically speaking.

The motion was written to allow for easy modification in the future. The per day rate and the requirement of FLOT to wait 10 days after each monthly report gives shareholders time and flexibility to do near anything with the NuLagoon contract going forward. Assuming widespread shareholder consensus on a plan of action, of course.

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This motion passed.