The only way a trader can know whether the manipulation is from Nu or from some nefarious 3rd party is to know the intimate details. What if someone starts pegging NBT at $0.99 on HitBTC? The volume is so small there we wouldn’t respond for maybe weeks. So then a trader goes and just assumes that the price is correct because they don’t know our details, and they get manipulated. With the parametric order book, a takeover like that would require making a whole lot more waves that shareholders will respond to.
A trader doesn’t need to know anything to buy an altcoin. How are you going to take their NBT away from them?
If you mean to say every NBT user should know this, well if ‘shoulds’ were bitcoins we’d all be rich.
You say you want traders to use bots to arbitrage exchanges. Bots are not aware of what is pegged and what isn’t. If you want bots, we need to cater to bots. People aren’t going to redesign their entire bot just to take advantage of our measly little market. We need to bring them to us, not force them to accommodate our completely new economics.
A lot of bots react based on the order book. If our order book reacts to the LP balance, we can get bots to react to our LP balance. This would be a huuuuuge step forward for us.