I don’t want to state what seeded auctions will be, as I think the potential is greater than I can really comprehend. However, I don’t think they will replace buybacks. I see them being used to provide a few very important things, such as a dependable nsr/USD price, direct shareholder control over nbt supply, a new nbt use case and gaming potential, and a direct nbt/nsr gateway for Nu aficionados. However, I do not see it replacing the need for dumping counterparty risk in a public and efficient manner like doing it via bid order does. I could make more statements here, but without a good grasp on the price-finding mechanism of seeded auctions, this discussion will leave most people out.
Suffice it to say that I think we need to find an interim executor while we write nsr wrappers for NuBot and then spread the process out over several bot operators.