New B&C client v5.0.3?

Just spotted an higher version of the B&C client by accident:

“services” : “00000001”,
“lastsend” : 1493281067,
“lastrecv” : 1493281148,
“conntime” : 1493184335,
“version” : 5000000,
“subver” : "/Siglee:5.0.3/B&C Exchange:5.0.3(v5.0.3-RC1-beta)/",
“inbound” : false,
“releasetime” : 0,
“height” : 941576,
“banscore” : 0

Hope it is a sign that we are getting some updates or has this version been around for longer?

Version 5.0.3 was released in January to fix the problem at startup on Windows and OS X (Linux may be affected too but there was no report).

It’s not on the website though. I don’t know how to update it.


Thanks for your reply re 5.0.3. Looks like it is worth publishing. Since a few days I have access to the github of the website. If you can add a pull request here: I think I should be able to approve it and it should update the website.

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i am having only node connection on 5.0.1.
5 for Nu v5.0.1.

I have 4 nodes with 5.0.1 and one with 5.0.3

I have seen more of those, but it takes a while to connect to them, can be days, sometimes weeks before they are all discovered by your peer and some won’t be on all the time.

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