Lack of commitment to development is our biggest threat now

That’s why it’s just called ‘trading for profit’ not pegging. If i buy btc low then sell it high am I ‘pegging’ or just being a smart trader? Clearly, that isn’t pegging. Pegging is about the official aspect. It’s about consensus and following through on a promise.

IMO, liquidity providing can be and should be profitable.

Yes, I’ll trade on BKC/BTC, with 10-3% spread setting, this is the spontaneously trade in free market.

You can call it “peg”, “trade”, " speculation" or whatever, what I plan to do is same. I am ticket scalper for profit.

BTW, in order to differentiate BKC from NBT, I suggest B&C sell BKC far from 1$ by referencing buying power in1990s.

Pegging BKC to 1$ real value in the year NuBits got launched would be more interesting IMO…

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