FLOT BKS Operations (buy side)

Alright 7500 BKS has been send to: 97zQy9VWLYcM6BeYGBv7bEJpRdxAy5cvEH

I had to make 6 transactions since you can send roughly 1300 BKS max in 1 transaction.

Tx 1 - 1300 BKS : 395d42d340fdde3309d777e0bf0d1a2ca13c93d70782d3f3c3e3c4281ab8ea5b

Tx 2 - 1300 BKS : 2718c0780c9517a4385adad2619e280bb7ecfbc6a41298c3f778387dd1164530

Tx 3 - 1300 BKS : cce88839389884ecbdeb4cf3ddb4d3cdec4ff7c86a846e69e1c958e31e23da60

Tx 4 - 1300 BKS : d0a9a76603e511ce7b2aaee720769715632ae0a0b36195de7fb6e6855d25768d

Tx 5 - 1300 BKS : 2132089afd412cd9a6c8fae0f45893fcb75d160b39eaa3f040cb9f95856f82de

Tx 6 - 1000 BKS : 435a81157fe546245e98e4ae3ea01123750cdf518be7c08d01286b9e52a2fef4

So far transaction 1 and 3 are confirmed already although they might now show up in the blockexplorer. You can verify the transaction in the console of the BKS wallet. You can use the ‘gettransaction’ command to see the ammount send and the confirmations.

@jooize I think the problem is that BKS splits them up into 1 BKS chunks. So a 1300 BKS transaction is 1300 x 1 BKS send. I’m not sure why it dous this. My wallet also crashes after i’ve send it and I have to reboot it.

Edit: The others are starting to get confirmations to now, I think I am filling up the blocks to the brim haha :sweat_smile:

I ran this to add the multisig address to the wallet. (I’ll have to revise the instructions I made that use createmultisig. Never mind, I had chosen that there for the reason of not adding it.)

addmultisigaddress 3 '["0234139729dd413c84a71a0bfd6f236790be861b37311cef3240277c940e4b0c07", "023c41edc461814e825a0847f9031fddf9b2610bb91992724920107f5fd07b4922", "029684f165042b44197bce605d81e3e9b22acb8ae677ea4ea3412307b3ff26ea6e", "0304571109f4e9dd3ce67133df452375597d20f583894cdd8ed09c65a3a3e3be5a", "034b0bd0f653d4ac0a2e9e81eb1863bb8e5743f6cb1ea40d845b939c225a1a80ff"]'
gettransaction 395d42d340fdde3309d777e0bf0d1a2ca13c93d70782d3f3c3e3c4281ab8ea5b
Invalid or non-wallet transaction id (code -5)

Transaction 2 and 4 are confirmed now aswell.

I found a way. Add 1 to get verbose output from getrawtransaction.

getrawtransaction 395d42d340fdde3309d777e0bf0d1a2ca13c93d70782d3f3c3e3c4281ab8ea5b 1


"hex" : "<HugeRawTransaction>",
"txid" : "395d42d340fdde3309d777e0bf0d1a2ca13c93d70782d3f3c3e3c4281ab8ea5b",
"version" : 1,
"time" : 1455205459,
"locktime" : 0,
"unit" : "8",
"vin" : [
"txid" : "8c82f77924dee496dc3828905cd9d2fc4656d9fcaccc1cd8bd729b36e3fb1602",
"vout" : 1,
"scriptSig" : {
"asm" : "304502200aea633f0a394948e46975c3f150705d86dbfcad349e0c12909e5b272cc42df5022100e140d6973c271863dc912d20769e4329a971ebaffd3e38c95bc384da5c56230901",
"hex" : "48304502200aea633f0a394948e46975c3f150705d86dbfcad349e0c12909e5b272cc42df5022100e140d6973c271863dc912d20769e4329a971ebaffd3e38c95bc384da5c56230901"
"sequence" : 4294967295
"value" : 1.0,
"n" : 1299,
"scriptPubKey" : {
"asm" : "OP_HASH160 2e66d5f1267690c3ca2fda49fe16a08dadea8f81 OP_EQUAL",
"hex" : "a9142e66d5f1267690c3ca2fda49fe16a08dadea8f8187",
"type" : "scripthash",
"reqSigs" : 1,
"addresses" : [
"value" : 1.0,
"n" : 1300,
"scriptPubKey" : {
"asm" : "OP_HASH160 2e66d5f1267690c3ca2fda49fe16a08dadea8f81 OP_EQUAL",
"hex" : "a9142e66d5f1267690c3ca2fda49fe16a08dadea8f8187",
"type" : "scripthash",
"reqSigs" : 1,
"addresses" : [
"blockhash" : "bd49ce223eb460c434fd066a42c71df8bcebed618d76d38b06a703ab0f554a3e",
"confirmations" : 648,
"blocktime" : 1455207919
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Awesome! You have been an amazing help setting all this up @jooize! Nusafe might be live in a few hours thanks to you!

Updated to include all transactions.

foreach file in blockshares-*.txt ; do ; grep '"value" : 1.0,' $file | wc -l ; done
foreach file in blockshares-*.txt ; do ; grep '97zQy9VWLYcM6BeYGBv7bEJpRdxAy5cvEH' $file | wc -l ; done

Confirmed four five transactions with 1300 BKS and one with 1000 BKS to 97zQy9VWLYcM6BeYGBv7bEJpRdxAy5cvEH. They have over 50 confirmations.

These I get the following with:

No information available about transaction (code -5)


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They are still unconfirmed in my wallet aswell… very weird. The ammount has been deducded from my wallet and they both show up in my transaction list…?

Sounds like they failed to propagate, perhaps because your wallet crashed. I don’t know what to do about that. I think I did a rescan once for that, but I’m not sure.

I updated my previous post with better confirmation of the transactions.

@Dhume: Does the following work?

getrawtransaction 2132089afd412cd9a6c8fae0f45893fcb75d160b39eaa3f040cb9f95856f82de
getrawtransaction 435a81157fe546245e98e4ae3ea01123750cdf518be7c08d01286b9e52a2fef4

Copy–paste them into one of these sites: (triple-click to select the transaction)

Dousnt that only work for Bitcoin?



I was about to suggest getrawtransaction and then sendrawtransaction, but the problem is the debug window input box can’t handle the length, and I’m not sure that works via a terminal shell either.

Ye I just tried that as well (code -22) again.

This is very peculiar though, the procedure was exactly the same as with the other transactions. Why would this be in limbo?

because someone with even one share can mint and vote. @sigmike

I just send another 0.1 BKS to test and it went though and already has a confirmation…

I guess we have to ask @sigmike whats going.

For now shall we go ahead with signing the BTC transaction I made? I wont have alot of time the coming days would like to get Nusafe running before that. All is set up on my end.

I wonder what happens if you start wallet with the argument -rescan. If the transaction isn’t propagated anywhere it should either not be broadcast again and you can try sending a new transaction, or it figures out that it hasn’t been sent and tries to rebroadcast it. I believe the former is the case.

Want to try that? Make a backup first.

Sure, how do you start it with the -rescan argument?

Windows, OS X, or Linux?
