Ok, I assume that this doesn’t go through given the situation?
Are we still doing this? Now I can transfer up to another 2000NBT from Poloniex to FLOT assuming FLOT/Nagalim is good with that.
Ok, I assume that this doesn’t go through given the situation?
Are we still doing this? Now I can transfer up to another 2000NBT from Poloniex to FLOT assuming FLOT/Nagalim is good with that.
@cryptog, @Dhume, @dysconnect, @jooize, @mhps, @ttutdxh, @woodstockmerkle please verify and sign.
The tx fee is intentionally quite high to get the deposit trhough quite fast. We have other problems than spensing some cents in excess for tx fee.
Is there? Where?
Was confirmed half a day ago:
Coinbase is a secure online platform for buying, selling, transferring, and storing digital currency.
Evaporated, because the buy side offset of the Bittrex PyBot was too small. But I won’t go any further here.
Verified and signed. 2 of 5-8.
Sorry. I am on mobile.
Why not continuing the one @cryptog and me already signed? Not in favour of redundant operations at Poloniex?
We can either process the one that has already two signatures or start a new one. They use the same inputs.
Just for the record: FLOT performance is impressive!
Go on, one more!
Ill send btc to cybnate’s in the next couple hours. @Cybnate I suggest you run a wider offset until the dust clears.
As part of empty’ing NuSafe i’m about to send the proceeds 60,196 BTC to our FLOT multisig address (and send 15k USD worth to the tube afterwards from our multisig).
Just a quick verification of consensus from fellow FLOT members that this is the right course of action.
Ping: @cryptog, @dysconnect, @masterOfDisaster, @jooize, @mhps, @ttutdxh, @woodstockmerkle
This is is a wiki entry. It could be updated once more FLOT members replied to keep an overview.
I just realized NuSafe is emptied. I though emptying half would be a first time.
With myself added that is 5 out of 8 in favor of the withdrawal.
However I’ve made a very dumb mistake, I had a small amount of funds on polo to test the Tether USD with. In a brain freeze this afternoon I thought it would be easier to have the funds in 1 place when I send them so I send all the funds to Polo. However I forgot there is a withdrawal limit on Polo…So I’ve just send 50 BTC (roughly 25k USD) to the FLOT multisig and opened a support ticket to see if I can increase the withdrawal limit so i can send the remaining 10,196 BTC tonight. However if that doesn’t work I’ll have to wait 24 hours to send the rest. My apologies that was a stupid mistake on my side.
tx for 50 BTC: 9ce2d98faa27fd576f4e6842fbf7e72a093da5544126a24f14d70130f6f0f72b
I suggest we send 30 BTC to the tube in a first effort to get some buy side going again.
Ping: @cryptog, @dysconnect, @masterOfDisaster, @jooize, @mhps, @ttutdxh, @woodstockmerkle