FLOT BTC Operations (buy side)

@JordanLee if the above is correct can you report how many T4 Nubits you have (not sent to FLOT or FSRT addresses) so that buyback calculation can take it into account?

Buyback calculation will be done soon. @JordanLee can you answer the above?

NSR Buyback #22 (mistake)

[Calculation]: Supply, Reserves, and Equilibrium

Verify and sign. Cancelled because amount is lower than $2500.

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@Nagalim says he does not do buyback if the amount is less than $2500 I remember.


Oh right.

Will the next buyback be #22 or #23? I imagine #22. Update: Yes, #22.

Now that you say it…
…I’ve signed the tx without thinking if that.
I won’t post the link to the signed tx, unless @Nagalim wants to do the buyback anyway.

Do you have a reference for the $2,500? I only find that amount related to the PPC reserve.

edit: I should read more thoroughly:

Strictly speaking the $2500 limit won’t take effect before Apr 1. I am ok with either way.

Just in case @Nagalim would do it (if not he can withdraw the funds to FLOT in case the tx gets signed and broadcast before @Nagalim can stop FLOT):

edit: tx to @Nagalim should be stopped

@jooize, thank you for creating the tx
@mhps, thank you for creating the buyback calculator script

  1. We didnt do the buyback last week, setting precident for the $2500 limit.

  2. There has to be some limit. Surely you dont expect me to do the full thread for like a $1 purchase?

  3. It appears to be advantagous at the current moment to hold our btc. This is arguable, but the decline of nbt demand seems to be continuing. Anyway, i think we will often be in a situation like this, where there is unsurity of the direction network liqudity will take and we start sinking to the 15% limit.

  4. I’m a volunteer, if i say I’d rather not y’all should respect that.

All that said, if FLOT sends the funds i will perform the buyack.


Of course!
I heard you and removed the tx I signed expecting that no other FLOT member sould sign it.

approx. current reserves: $30.95 BTC | $5002.25 NBT

I do intend on proposing changes to my motion soon to make T3 rebalances less frequent. When I made the operation I was erring on the side of caution and holding fewer funds, but the more I do this the more I realize that giving me some slack to hold funds for several days will be very useful to decreasing the burden on FLOT.


For a larger amount perhaps it’s better to consider a partial collateral, so there’d be fewer question asked. Even though we haven’t really asked any so far.

I understand the desire for having a collateral, but that makes it more complicated and long-term more expensive.
It’s always the same: face some risk or buy insurance.
I’m fine with Nagalim holding some more funds to increase that type of buffer. FLOT multisig is just not flexible enough and only as useful as it is, because it never takes FLOT more than some hours to sign and broadcast a tx - although it would be compliant with the terms to have much slower signing activities!

Nu will come sooner or later to a situation in which Nu funds, that are used for liquidity provision, are lost for whatever reason.
That doesn’t mean it was wrong to do it that way!
Even if Nu loses some funds from time to time, it’s long-term cheaper not to buy insurance, because if Nu loses funds very often the insurance gets expensive as well!

@Nagalim, how much collateral, what type of collateral and at what annual rate could you provide?
…just to have some numbers to estimate the costs of having collateral.
The FLOT (or whatever organization), which might manage the collateral, would charge a management fee as well.


It’s not technically asking for a larger amount. It’s this clause:

It’s not ideal but personally I feel @Nagalim has more than sufficient trust to handle some larger funds without collateral. This is obviously not an ideal situation but not an insurmountable risk either, especially considering Nagalim has already handled larger amounts in regards to the weekly buybacks.

NSR Buyback #22


[Verify and sign][CointoolkitLink].
[CointoolkitLink]: https://ttutdxh-nubits.github.io/cointoolkit/?mode=bitcoin&verify=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Verified and signed 2 of 5/8


Signed 3 of 5-of-8



Verified and signed 4 of 5/8:


verified, signed and broadcast: 34398799b4472a8a6d7dff06baf61409cfa9f21a9c8eaa27911e37a67ec9e402

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