Well, I will admit that it’s disappointing you don’t currently support the motion but maybe that’s only because you’re slightly confused on the purpose and intent of the motion? This motion isn’t being introduced for the purpose of hindering or even reducing you or anyone else’s ability to act in the best interest of the network. It’s being introduced as a vital starting point to provide the community with it’s first shred of actual operation oversight & fiscal responsibility. I don’t have a ton of time to respond in detail atm, in fact my wife is literally furious I’m making this a priority as we speak but to quickly address–
"The motion is self-contradictory, but I would probably interpret it as:
Immediately cease all fund actions except those by community consensus ambiguously considered critical."
Wrong. Especially the ambiguously considered critical portion. This motion would solely require you or any other network custodian to create a motion and network approval prior to allocating any network owned funds you currently have access to. It’s really rather dumbfounding that this was ever not the system in place to be honest. Especially with the network issuing such large grants to single custodians like that half a million dollars you recently generated via network. This change should essentially be only a minor nuisance for custodians. If you’re assuming that shareholders are not capable or willing to approve the allocation of network funds for anything other than items that are by consensus considered “critical” you’re being ridiculous and should have more faith in shareholders. Even more concerning is… if that IS your thought process (in assuming shareholder desired actions) you would basically be saying/admitting that when making network decisions or funding approvals in the past, you were deliberately acting against what you believed to be the community consensus and desire of ShareHolders as a whole. Which would be disturbing but I don’t believe to be true.
and real quick the only other point I’ll address now is —
“Immediately halting all fund actions and payments for contractors without a replacement plan is extremely irresponsible. I’m paid via authority granted by shareholders to the Chief of Liquidity Operations. I hold the vast majority of shareholder funds. The motion while not affecting all our authority would cripple Liquidity Operations by forbidding fund actions and stripping us of compensation.”
Incorrect. This motion is not designed to halt operations, liquidity or even compensations. Nor does it fail to provide a replacement plan. It’s the same plan as before but actually operating as originally intended. Operate the same way, just submit motions first and make sure there’s a modest lead-time so the motion can be approved PRIOR to allocating said funds. Let the network approve & reinforce your actions via motion! All of us want this to succeed especially as shareholders. Motion voting is done solely by those vested in the network. None of us would willingly start sabotaging ourselves by failing to pass motions that have a measurable benefit to the community or provide and integral role of operations.
“If this motion passes I’ll consider myself relieved of duties to shareholders, specifically without further action and with an expectation of shareholder funds being surrendered.”
I personally would be very upset if you chose to do so. None of this is with intentions of diminishing your involvement in the community or your value/position within the network. I personally want to help you man! Also, no one is saying you can’t make payments or that you can’t compensate yourself. You just have to do so via a motion that is first approved by the network. We as ShareHolders were fiscally responsible enough to evaluate and assess the investment risk vs value of potential returns when we purchased our holdings of NSR. We’re just as capable and even more-so motivated to provide at the very least this same level of consideration & responsible decision making when voting on network actions & fund allocation as well.
I gtg for now though, will be back later. (my wife now hates me)