[Discuss] Motion of reputed signers take charge of B&C development fund management

Not a single response from @jooize or @Phoenix or @JordanLee within this thread that came up with a reasonable proposal. Anyone wondering?

Edit: Not even a like from @jooize

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I am interested to hear if anyone has thought of a plan if the reputed signers are given full responsibilities of B&C.

I will support the motion for reputed signers to control the B&C fund(if any).

@Sabreiib there is no more B&C dev fund left. It was stolen. @Phoenix “lost control of it”. Current B&C dev funds are zero.

I work for Nu, not B&C Exchange. Yet there is definitely value for Nu in B&C Exchange, and it’s probably in Nu shareholders’ interests to grant the lost funds to B&C Exchange shareholders.

You work for yourself, not for Nu, you piece of shit.