I think NBT/BTC liquidity balance is a responsive market sentiment indicator on whether BTC price is to go up (ask low) or go down (bid low). Maybe we should promote the ask side percentage as the Nubit Fear Indicator in the wider community.
Nu liquidity intervention will spoil the fun, unless the calculation factors it out somehow.
Poloniex often has near zero sell side which is a risk to the peg. Nothing would be fun anymore if the peg breaks. Besides we also want to attract more volume there, riding on the tides. @assistant liquidity
As you can see, we are keeping Tier 3 buy/sell ratio to Network buy/sell ratio. We are also actively balancing funds on exchanges which change quickly because of the high trading volume recently. We are not the only LP has Tier2 fund. so we can’t control Tier2 fund ratio.
Is there a way to tell what addresses are broadcasting T2 liquidity? @willy (sry but I’m not sure who would know about this). As far as I know, no one should be broadcasting T2+3 but NuLagoon.