Crypto_Coiner's Nu data feeds


Removed custodial grants:
BFqe2tA4wJyDsP2CG2yDtki4wpTzSaAgfX, 2800 [passed]
BAwbootKP1sWHhuhnYGfaf9nMLfF7LFdVF, 4760.00 [passed]
BLn12cB6vag2B4Q1nJeKf3gyt4Zivz84zv, 4100.0 [passed]

Added custodial grants:
BPgXRqBu9GApyXXdPXFz7JsuaMSvkT9ntE, 4536.63 [ALix and RAW.Coinerella/ 6 months contracts]


Removed custodial grant:
BPgXRqBu9GApyXXdPXFz7JsuaMSvkT9ntE, 4536.63 [passed]

Added custodial grant:
BAoDAU3GwBVyaWC99kfUgJftzgi2FwuXDF, 2500 [nagalim T3 liquidity providing custodianship]

Added motion:
33a5c90451764d2c5c1e6794e2c352d2423618e4 [nagalim interim execution of nsr buyback]

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Removed custodial grant:
BAoDAU3GwBVyaWC99kfUgJftzgi2FwuXDF, 2500 [passed]

Removed motion:
33a5c90451764d2c5c1e6794e2c352d2423618e4 [passed]

Added motion:
6a2fdd44881be1d64ee5c03517525b52f607342c [temporary dual side NuBot on Poloniex with Nu funds to support the peg until T3 custodians start off]

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Removed motion:
6a2fdd44881be1d64ee5c03517525b52f607342c [passed]

Added custodial grants:
BJs4YbtaqCmxeHLiR6zzjnZEotYVFAPfMo , 1 [Dual side Nubot gateway in Poloniex (by zoro) to support the peg besides MLP and ALP]
BEDt9yB7J2Vzp1A9UvD91vNuA1oJGyLqQ8, 4760.00 [Nulagoon 4w fee]

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Added motion:
6311782b5d731cd45dd6873b24bcd6e62846fb2d [nagalim motion to hold flot reserve in peercoin – 5% of the circulating NBT in Peercoin (PPC) using a T4 FLOT multisig address]

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Removed custodial grant:
BEDt9yB7J2Vzp1A9UvD91vNuA1oJGyLqQ8, 4760.00

Added custodial grant:
BRM8hfdKJ6gSqStBshtsnq7fQdLAUwzbG2, 198.00 [ NuRiver HitBTC Liquidity Payment Due]



Removed custodial grants:
BEDt9yB7J2Vzp1A9UvD91vNuA1oJGyLqQ8, 4760.00 [passed]
BRM8hfdKJ6gSqStBshtsnq7fQdLAUwzbG2, 198.00 [passed essentially - note: grant address was modified ]

Removed motion:
6311782b5d731cd45dd6873b24bcd6e62846fb2d [passed]

Added custodial grant:
B954pkUEdkeT1G5Lq14Cisij5no3RVxHYe , 650 [liquidbits term 7 - subsidy to support a ALP fiat gateway on ccedk for EUR and USD pairs – but not really making money for Nu per se]

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Removed custodial grant:
B954pkUEdkeT1G5Lq14Cisij5no3RVxHYe , 650 [paased]

Added custodial grants:
BHAU3ZGUqFNfFpHbMK2Jjf4izL1XGrjGfY, 4760.00 NBT [The Nu Lagoon Custodian Fee Request of Feb 2016]

B7jeGVDdsd4eE5ZGGmv8xXn2QgkS9nAPUC, 100.00 [Dual-side PyBot gateway on Poloniex and Bittrex, relatively reliable decex]

BEfKNxhQRVGAozMGUNkk6Wg6bcke2SE5Dm, 1.00 [Single Sided NBT nubot Gateway on HitBTC based on FLOT - term: 2month - sell side ]

BA8di3FFBADAFQmRwEqiAocrkBoMDPBQQu, 1.00 [ Single Sided NBT nubot Gateway on HitBTC based on FLOT - term: 1 month - sell side]

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Removed custodial grant:
BEfKNxhQRVGAozMGUNkk6Wg6bcke2SE5Dm, 1.00 [passed]
B7jeGVDdsd4eE5ZGGmv8xXn2QgkS9nAPUC, 100.00 [passed]
BHAU3ZGUqFNfFpHbMK2Jjf4izL1XGrjGfY, 4760.00 [custodial address modified for the Nu Lagoon Custodian Fee Request of Feb 2016]]

Added custodial grant:
BExP2RYt43WsPCHGFH8PuwntbC26J19xUz, 4760.00 [new address for the Nu Lagoon Custodian Fee Request of Feb 2016]

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Removed custodial grant:
BExP2RYt43WsPCHGFH8PuwntbC26J19xUz, 4760 [passed]
BA8di3FFBADAFQmRwEqiAocrkBoMDPBQQu, 1.00 [passed]

Added motion:
f27c979e0ba6f8dfc77a4305ccdc9ed9452230b2 [crypto_coiner motion to join peercoin FLOT]

You should do cybnate on flot too.

Yes, there’s no reason I should not, I believe.
I like to study and to see objectively before voting.
Will probably do so within 24-48h or so. This is as true for other pending motions and grants.


Added custodial grant:
BRUuKfGur7CZSLy65gYUPJUQyQZeT1XQn, 1 [Sell side Nubot Gateway on @huafei / 50nbt for 1month]

Added motion:
ee20086eb56a8a7b0f722227086b05de9941a293 [Motion Dual side Nubot gateway in Poloniex @zoro - term 2/ 250 nbt for 2months]

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Added motions:
25d8226a7aeb47370e8db0c2035296fb7e2c4095 [nagalim bitcoin reserve]
a21a63a806cbd0d640f692911c503818c1579b94 [cybnate peercoin FLOT]

Added custodial grant:
BD8ork1pAt3vuVgGaX7j9Ei66xT3vvqrg2 , 1 NBT [zoro nubot sell side gateway southxchange/ 50NBT/month]


Removed motions:
a21a63a806cbd0d640f692911c503818c1579b94 [passed]
f27c979e0ba6f8dfc77a4305ccdc9ed9452230b2 [passed]

Added custodial grants:
BAs6fhm6bfJ1b6LGnDQwah1C8frfVjjWhm, 1360.00 [woolly_sammoth NuPool 8 ALPv2 with CRFR]
BEv74GNRYyAeRJbXxjQvbbS48E7YvDgfs6, 450.00 [nagalin Nupond Term 9 in bter]
BP7geZ2uhdeaqS5vX8Zx3abd43abs62aus, 1750.00 [willy Redesign & Rebrand of RAW.Coinerella for ALP v2]


Removed custodial grants:
BP7geZ2uhdeaqS5vX8Zx3abd43abs62aus, 1750.0 [passed]
BEv74GNRYyAeRJbXxjQvbbS48E7YvDgfs6, 450.0 [passed]
BRUuKfGur7CZSLy65gYUPJUQyQZeT1XQnD, 1.0 [passed]

Added custodial grants:
B6t3WuYQvqEW9SqjmpJDA1oy9cXbyFzgoq, 3000.00 [ rebuilding on jekyll]
BLYdibXLb7ixXgKW5bFVD4KiCRLkyk6Ks6, 4760.00 [Nu Lagoon custodian fee]

Removed motions:
ee20086eb56a8a7b0f722227086b05de9941a293 [passed]
25d8226a7aeb47370e8db0c2035296fb7e2c4095 [passed]

Added motion:
a951e9e8e72bcb313eb7fc6c65c797ccb53b9ef0 [nagalim T3 custodianship extension contract]


Removed custodial grants:
BD8ork1pAt3vuVgGaX7j9Ei66xT3vvqrg2, 1NBT [passed]
BAs6fhm6bfJ1b6LGnDQwah1C8frfVjjWhm, 1360.00 NBT [passed]
BLYdibXLb7ixXgKW5bFVD4KiCRLkyk6Ks6, 4760.00 NBT [passed]
B6t3WuYQvqEW9SqjmpJDA1oy9cXbyFzgoq, 3000.00 NBT [passed]

Removed motion:
a951e9e8e72bcb313eb7fc6c65c797ccb53b9ef0 [passed]

Added custodial grants:
BFRhngri9DLUnatcnhSJrZDk5J7u3Mhu5H , 440 NBT [Grant for NSR buyback and PPC reserve operation calculator by mhps]
BC84Af1QuytYF37yTd1hf34zRKnLWTJoTA , 750 NBT [ Coinerella’s compensation for the work on ALix Panel by alix]

Park rate change:
Nu DAC reserve depleting – let s slow nbt burning down and replenish the buy side by incentivizing holding nbt on the short temr
22.8 days 7.5% [annualized interest rate]
1.5 months 10% [annualized interest rate]
3.0 months 15% [annualized interest rate]

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Raised Parking Rate
Nu reserve for the Buy side is depleting.
Parking rates are not rising enough rapidly.
22.8d : 7.5% --> 10%
1.5m: 10% --> 15%
3m: 15% -->25%

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Increasing your vote will not make rates rise any faster. It’s a median not an average.

Not sure if you are right

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