In a recent broadcast message, titled “Plans for the next couple months”, Jordan wrote:
Though I have made decisions about the solution in the past, this is quickly changing with the existence of the RC chain. Shareholders should make as many decisions as is practical directly through motions. I will be completely subordinate to all shareholder motions, and I expect everyone on my payroll to be too. In the absence of explicit direction from shareholders, everyone on payroll should make an effort to act in the interest of shareholders.
In this vein, I’m posting my thoughts on the recent custodial proposal to fund internal development.
I see a couple downsides about this method of financing internal development, and an alternative to propose that shareholders may prefer.
First, the downsides:
- Those who receive these created NBT in payment will likely sell them for BTC or PPC, putting immediate pressure on the peg that must be supported by Liquidity Providing Custodians (LPCs).
- The creation of these NBT disincentives LPCs from signing up, because they must, in effect, bear the risk and cost of internal development by buying these NBT with their liquidity capital.
- The creation of these NBT does not directly benefit shareholders financially.
Now, for the alternative.
The sale of NuShares has, I presume, generated significant proceeds for the project, and will continue do to so, as the network becomes more decentralized. If sold at a price of 0.003 USD per NSR, for example, this would generate $3,000,000 in revenue for the core project.
I propose that NuShares be sold on an as-needed basis to fund internal development. As an intermediate step, the proceeds from the sales would be first used to purchase NuBits from dividend custodians on the open market, which would in turn be used as the original proposal explains. This allows the internal fund to obtain NuBits on an as-needed basis, and provides a steady dividend to shareholders.
The benefits of this approach are as follows:
- We will get immediate real-world experience with dividend distributions, which will help make the system more reliable.
- Shareholders will have a direct financial benefit, thanks to the dividend distributions triggered by the NuBits purchases on the open market.
- We will enjoy an increased demand for NuShares, because of the anticipated dividend distributions.
- The cost to obtain development funds will remain low, because, as the majority stakeholder of NuShares, most distributions would be recycled back into the project. (For example, Jordan recently mentioned that less than 40% of NuShares have been distributed. This means that over 60% of dividends would return directly to the development purse.)
I consider that this approach may be more beneficial to shareholders, in every regard. I am open to your thoughts. Thank you for your consideration.