ALix Panel


It’s also possible to extend this into the future. Because each parking tx should have length information, therefore it is possible to know when each fund gets unparked. This info is important to plan liquidity ops ahead.

Also if possible, plot accumulated park premium paid by nu to all parkers. This will answer such question as “How much premium have we paid last quater or in this episode of BTc price cycle?” The accumulated premium is a curve that never goes down. One has to subtract the beginning value from the end value to get a useful number.

Oh when I am at it, do the same with accumulated tx fees. I always wonder how many income Nu gets every month in the form of burned tx fees.

All very good points.
My time for the next coming weeks is quite limited, unfortunately.

Time to get @TheCrema on board.

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Cost: 120 NBT.

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I will update the buyback calculator to use your feed.

Why doesn’t show current unaveraged total liquidity?

There are 3 total values in this JSON string.

One current, one 15 minute, one 4 hour.

Enter the string into a JSON viewer and you’ll see. e.g.

I have checked a couple of times against the web page. For example are they the "total_ask" : 60330.26292405 in the example below?
curl -s | json_pp

   "exchanges" : [
         "amount" : {
            "ask_total" : 39517.29022564,
            "tolerance" : "1.5",
            "bid_total" : 10871.96044048,
            "total" : 50389.25066612
         "pair" : "poloniex_btc_nbt"
         "amount" : {
            "ask_total" : 366.30569841,
            "total" : 1581.80259362,
            "tolerance" : "1.5",
            "bid_total" : 1215.49689521
         "pair" : "bittrex_btc_nbt"
   "4h_avg" : {
      "total_bid_percent" : 48.03,
      "total_both_percent" : 100,
      "total_ask" : 64753.477502818,
      "total_both" : 124588.30590612,
      "total_ask_percent" : 51.97,
      "total_bid" : 59834.828403295
   "totals" : {
      "total_ask" : 60330.26292405,
      "total_both" : 118977.89511246,
      "total_bid_percent" : 49.29,
      "total_both_percent" : 100,
      "total_bid" : 58647.63218841,
      "total_ask_percent" : 50.71
   "btc_usd" : "453.445",
   "timestamp" : 1461508263,
   "15min_avg" : {
      "total_bid" : 55998.584328107,
      "total_ask_percent" : 52.44,
      "total_both" : 117753.89980759,
      "total_ask" : 61755.315479478,
      "total_both_percent" : 100,
      "total_bid_percent" : 47.56

That’s it. I don’t know what your output software is doing but the JSON is not displayed in the correct order.

It’s a json_pp issue it seems. Now I directly parse the json i get from alix.