I’ll include instructions here, but then point to the wiki page once it has been added there.
Instructions for how to set up your connection between Peer(coin/unity) and Nu
- Make sure that for both Nu and your Peercoin wallet client that you have a configuration file available, and that each has at a minimum the following information. (Your Nu client should already have this because you needed to include it to connect to the network directly). If you need assistance, please let CG, Penny, or I know and we’ll get you set up.
// for use on the testnet, include `testnet=1`
Once the configuration files are in place, launch both clients.
After the networks have done their respective synchronizations, open up the debug window in your Peercoin wallet from the file menu: Help > debug window. Next, select the “Console” tab and in the input at the bottom, enter the command to unlock your wallet (not just for minting, but for all operations):
walletpassphrase <passphrase> <timeout>
// for example: `walletpassphrase sparkles 600` = unlocks the wallet for 10 minutes
// if your password contains special characters or spaces, make sure to wrap it in quotes (ex. "SupR@")
After you have unlocked the Peercoin wallet, go back to your Nu wallet and change your units to work from the NuShares side (file menu: Unit
> NuShares
From the file menu: Shares
> Export Peercoin keys
If everything works as expected, you will see a dialog appear with a count of the number of addresses that have been exported. You can confirm this action by viewing your Peercoin wallet and looking on the “Receive Coins” tab. There should be a number of new addresses with the label “NuShares” that match the number that was exported in the previous step. If you do not see this, please make sure that your wallet was unlocked (and not just unlocked for minting) and try it again.

In your Peercoin wallet client, on the Receiving tab, you will see that the NuShares dividend addresses have been included:

Once that has been completed, you’ll be ready for a dividend distribution. If you should add additional NuShares addresses in the future, please make sure you follow the same steps again to integrate those new paired keys into your Peercoin wallet. You will not duplicate existing keys, so this operation can be run as many times as you need, into the future.
0 key(s) were exported to Peercoin
If you see a dialog like this, when you try to export the keys:

The most likely situation is that your Peercoin wallet is not unlocked, or, that you could have unlocked it, but only for minting. You need to make sure that it’s fully unlocked using the walletpassphrase
command listed above. Using the unlock for minting only
button or command WILL NOT WORK.
Port conflicts
If you experience problems with connecting the two wallets, please confirm that your network allows traffic on the following ports:
RPC PORT 14001 // Base RPC port used by the NuShares RPC server. Other unit RPC servers listen on RPC_PORT+1, RPC_PORT+2, etc.
RPC PORT 14002 // NuBits
// Same rules apply to testnet, but on different ports
TESTNET RPC PORT 15001 // NuShares
TESTNET RPC PORT 15002 // NuBits
// Peercoin ports used when communicating with the Peercoin wallet for dividend distributions