FLOT BTC Operations (buy side)



masterOfDisaster (former) NBT exit gateway address (now dual side)

1M3khPfXJreaFVbHab5XFEngwhbRh5Nxyi (use in emergencies only until further notice!)

masterOfDisaster (former) NBT entry gateway address (now dual side)

1L4DcRj9qu7EjUSnuyceEyUunThx41fmhY (temporarily disabled)

Nagalim T3 custodian address


zoro dual side NuBot at Poloniex address


Nagalim Passive Liquidity Source on Poloniex


Cybnate dual-side PyBot Poloniex address


Cybnate dual-side PyBot Bittrex address


NuLagoon Tube BTC deposit address

To exchange BTC from 3HikFkS2Zinab1TJq7dqp6wSPyLu7i7bhe to (receive) US-NBT at BqyRzFtWXDmjxrYpyJD42MLE5xc8FrB4js.


Multisig #2



View balance and transactions at Blockchain.info.
Inspect address with Cointoolkit.

Redeem script


Create transaction with Cointoolkit.


Public keys in lexicographical order.

Multisig #1 (decommissioned)



Redeem script



Public keys in lexicographical order.



@cryptog, @Dhume, @dysconnect, @masterOfDisaster, @jooize, @mhps, @ttutdxh, @woodstockmerkle


According to passed motion f651bef0d942fe47cbc0d47bd3c38ce0fff7f902, Nu will have to pay Jordan Lee 1% of T4 buy side funds.

So the payment would be around $2,772.78
It is our responsibility to save Nu that money, and take over T4 funds.

I have sent 0.005 to 3QDWJ2yqJ5iTUg6cSpAwxx95ba3NG97hzG and then created this transaction to send me back the BTC.
Lets sign this test transaction, and then each one post a request to transfer the funds, as Jordan Lee accepted:


Something went wrong. Link to transaction removed…

edit: I’m again confused - I signed @Dhume’s transaction, but the result appears to be the same than it was before. What?

…at least the output address is correct: http://btc.blockr.io/tx/info/e638f0fb85c3402f72a92a7b77718d0c6ceb8ab1f6f88b026eb7caa377e3d417 :wink:

Are you sure your linking the newly generated output and not the old one?

It is the old one. Something’s not right, and I don’t know what. Unfortunately I have no time for troubleshooting at the moment, but it seems that the automatically generated link is not correct. If I take the resulting signed transaction and insert it into the link, it looks better:

edit: this button

is new, right?
Great idea, @ttutdxh! Please make it “Verify and share” the transaction after it was signed and not before it was signed :wink:

I am sorry I don’t follow.:confused: Could you elaborate on that?

I don’t know what happened, but after I read your explanation I tried again and it worked like it should.

What happened on my first attempt: I clicked “Verify and share” and the “Shareable verification link” that was generated pointed to the “old” tx, the one I hadn’t signed. When I recognized that I copied the transaction script from the box and manually replaced it in the “Shareable verification link”.

I tried again just now.
I clicked on @Dhume’s link,
verified the output address and the amount (pretty much all I can/have to verify, right?),
hit the “Continue to Sign” button,
signed it with my privkey,
clicked the “Verify and share” and
recognized that the site that was loaded, contained the proper content (I realized that it showed “Signed: 3” where it previously showed “Signed: 2”).

So there was an error on my end, but I don’t know where.

I’m so happy about this site you created, that it provides the FLOT with an incredibly useful and convenient access to signing transactions!

The cointoolkit can speed up the signing process by orders of magnitude!
If you have your privkeys at hand (safely stored in something like Keepass for Android or iOS), you can sign transactions from your mobile phone!

1 Like

I signed the tx signed by @masterOfDisaster and I got the following signed tx:


Signed but have troubles broadcasting to the network:


Found why, the input of that transaction is byte-reversed. It shows as 17d4e377a3cab76e028bf8f6b18aeb6c0c8d71777b2aa9722f40c385fbf038e6 and should be e638f0fb85c3402f72a92a7b77718d0c6ceb8ab1f6f88b026eb7caa377e3d417

It was a mistake with the endianness on my end creating the transaction, this new signature should be correct:

@cryptog, @Dhume, @dysconnect, @masterOfDisaster, @jooize, @mhps, @woodstockmerkle, needless to say we need to sign this one again. At least this happened while “testing”, and now we are aware of it.

Just to be on the safe side: I need to check the output address and the amount - nothing else, right?
I’ve asked that before, but I’m not sure whether it was answered.
Here’s the tx signed by me:


Thank you for persistently improving cointoolkit!


And the fee!! (wich currently there is now way of knowing without manually checking the input tx in the blockexplorer or in the wallet command line)
If the sum of the inputs are 100 and the outputs sums 5, 95 goes as fee, and we lose/burn that money. If you calculate the fee for this transaction is 0.0001 BTC.
Not anymore.

That should be enough because right now we only have one multisig address, but in the future you may also want to check where that amount is coming from (the input tx) if we have multiple multisig addresses for different purposes.


The above transaction has 4 signers of the required 5.

@jooize @cryptog @dysconnect or @mhps would need to sign

Another thank you and kudos to @ttutdxh for the great work on the toolkit.


It seems that the tx went through, which implies that the necessary number of signatures has been reached.
I will sign the tx just for fun later on and for training purposes.

EDIT: signed the tx after it has been broadcast to increase the number of signers from 5 to 6 though the necessary number is 5.

Got the following signed tx:


I see three confirmations in 2 hours

The deadline for December payment for JordanLee uncompetitive fee of double each month is on 1 of December.

So I formally ask that half of the T4 funds in @JordanLee control are transferred to FLOT controlled address 3QDWJ2yqJ5iTUg6cSpAwxx95ba3NG97hzG