TEST Version 1.0 of Android App released!!
30-12-2014 (GMT)
Today I can finally share with you the result of the work done by Matthew and myself on the development of the NuBits Android wallet. Thanks for your patience in the last few days. We can now confirm it is stable, functional and working according to specifications.
Please note that this is a TEST APK version in a production environment with real NBT and that you have to be prepared to loose any coins and re-install the application in 14 days time. Please backup and encrypt your wallet before adding coins to it. There are also ways to export the private keys but that is not for the uninitiated (search for Bitcoin ABE Android private keys export and replace Bitcoin with NuBits). Please use small amounts to test and nothing more you can afford to loose.
Download link
All right, with that disclaimer out of the way, here is the download link: MEGA
Updated 3-Jan-15 (now links directly into Https without using redirect)
You can find the blockchain explorer here: https://svr1.nubitsexplorer.nu
You may need to install an APK manager/installer to sideload this TEST App. This won’t be required for the final version which will be published on Google Apps. I’ve attached a few pictures at the bottom of this post, so you can see how it should look like.
Source code:
The repository for the ABE explorer here: GitHub - Cybnate/NuBits-Abe-explorer
The repository for nubitsj here: GitHub - Cybnate/NuBitsj
And the wallet itself here: GitHub - Cybnate/NuDroid
Here is the link to the original contracted work: Android NuBits client · GitHub
Please check the link (especially the functionality section) before submitting any issues.
Submitting Issues
Please use this thread to submit any issues/bugs and I will compile them for the dev. It is important to raise issues rather sooner than later as after the 14 days period the developer will be paid for his work and is no longer formally obliged to fix issues according to the contract.
I’m also welcoming a wish-list, but keep it a bit down to earth and feasible. Some have already been mentioned in the gist, but happy to add to this list. As the code is open source people are free to add pull requests with fixes after the 14 day -period when the code is final for this first release. However I’m not promising any new releases until I have been able to contract or arrange a developer to test any PRs and compile the code.
Why use this App over the other Android app
- This App is paid by the NuBits shareholders and not in control of a third party or competing entity.
- Although I don’t accept any formal liability I can be morally held accountable to ensure this App continues to work as per the custodial grant. As the hosting has been pre-paid for at least 18 months I will commit doing so or ensuring it will be done.
- This App can be changed, tweaked and tailored by the community as they wish. I intend to raise at least one proposal based on input from the community for a custodial grant to release an improved version.
- This App has an address book. Good to track your transactions and add e.g. your friend’s names to them
- This App is optimised for mobile and is likely faster (no guarantees).
- Add your own trusted peer node (or run it uniquely)
- (advanced) Source code is available so you could set up your own trusted server and compile the App to connect to your own server
- Check out the features in the gist as there are a few more…
Enjoy testing the App!
Pictures of the App:
The home screen. Tips:
- Fiat currency defaults to your country code, click a fiat currency and add as default on top bar to change it
- Click on QR-code to enlarge it
- Click scan to scan a QR code
The network monitor. Check here whether your blockchain is up to date and to which peers you are connected

And finally the settings:

Please have a look yourself for more 
The testing period ends on Tuesday 13 January 2015 at 23:59:59 (GMT).
Known issue log:
- 02-Jan-15 4:21am (GMT) When selecting a transaction and selecting setting and then browse in the brown bar, it should you link to the transaction in the blockexplorer. However the link is broken in the domain name which results in a message that the webpage is not available.
- 02-Jan-15 11:10pm (GMT) Issue fixed (clear browser cache first). Don’t need apk update for this one.